Over the years, my body has gone through various stages, including undieting, pregnancy, aging, and more. As a result, the shape of my body has changed (like bodies are supposed to!), and I found that nothing in my closet fit me anymore. It was uncomfortable and challenging, and I wished I had someone to help me through cleaning it out, and refilling it full of clothing that brought me joy and made me feel confident. 

Living life or playing small? Take this quiz to determine how much the scale runs your life. You'll come away knowing how you can stop living for a number and start living your best life. #lifestooshorttodiet👏👏👏

Let's fuck around and see how confident you can be no matter how many back rolls you have. This is a non-diet, body-acceptance podcast with a little bit of mom life. If you want to learn how to increase your self-confidence, turn down the mean girl living rent-free in your head, and get the hell off the diet roller coaster - this is your podcast. (Warning moms: I swear sometimes.)