I let motherhood take the reins, becoming a victim of its demands. I crumbled, lost myself, and wandered in the chaos.

Finding time for myself and my health amidst the constant demands felt like an impossible feat. I tried all the expert-recommended remedies – walks, fresh air, hot showers, escape from the house, and gallons of water – yet somehow, I was counting down the hours until I could pour a glass of wine and most nights ended up on the couch, Netflix on, binge-eating Miss Vickie's Salt and Vinegar chips during the brief quiet hours between her bedtime and mine. After years of non-diet and body image coaching I could see the correlations between the systems in keeping women small (diet culture) with the oppressive systems.

We've all heard the clichés about self-care – "you can't pour from an empty cup," “Investing in your health, is an investment in your families wellbeing” or "put your oxygen mask on first" – but no one handed me the instruction manual on HOW to make it happen. So I wrote it myself.

What if I told you that you already know the "how," but you've been force-fed an image of the ideal mom: selfless, cooking only organic food, organized, and always smiling, seasoned with a side of perpetual guilt?

Being a kick-ass mom is about flipping society's absurd standards the bird and embracing a motherhood that's uniquely yours. It's giving an eye-roll to unrealistic expectations and savoring an individual, unapologetic flavor of parenting that suits you and your families needs to a T. You’ve been taught to put our fun on the back burner - but not any more!

So, if you're ready to ditch the guilt trip, redefine the game, and bring in more kick-ass energy into your life, you're in the right place. It starts with, putting yourself first, and discovering what lights you up inside. Let's navigate the ups and downs of this chaotic and beautiful journey together because being a kick-ass mom is not about perfection, but about embracing the messy, wild ride of motherhood.